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Registration Expiry and Service Reminders

Built into the Asset’s module is a feature that automatically assigns user tasks for an upcoming service date, or registration expiry. This ensures that assets are properly maintained, and their registrations remain up-to-date.

To receive reminders for a service date or registration expiry, simply ensure that the Next Service Date or Registration Expiry fields on the asset are filled with a future date.

A screenshot that shows the location of the "Registration Expiry" and "Next Service Date" fields. The page section is titled "Service and Registration Details. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the relevant fields.

The reminder task will be generated one month prior to the date selected in the fields labelled Next Service Date or Registration Expiry. The reminder task will be assigned to the Asset Management Group. Any user who is a member of that group will receive the task: e.g. "Renew Registration for Vehicle 000001".

A screenshot of an example registration renewal task. The details in the task are as follows: "Title: Arrange Registration Renewal for: Green Bugatti", "Assigned To: Asset Management Team", "Start Date: Sun Mar 03 2024", "Due DateL: Mon Mar 04 2024", "Status: Not Started".